What's Validators DAO?

Validators DAO


Validators DAO is a project aimed at enhancing the decentralization and security of the Solana network.

While Solana is a blockchain known for its high transaction speed and scalability, increasing the number of validators and ensuring the decentralization of staking are essential to maintaining the network's health.

We provide the open-source tool “solv” to simplify validator operations and lower entry barriers, enabling more users to participate in the network. Additionally, "Validators Solutions" automates validator operations, ensuring stable management.

solv: https://solv.epics.dev/

Validators Solutions: https://validators.solutions/

By introducing the Liquid Staking Token (LST) “elSOL”, users can earn staking rewards without locking their assets, thus contributing to the network’s security and decentralization. elSOL holders can receive airdrops and mining rewards of VLD tokens, which are the community tokens of Validators DAO.

elSOL: https://elsol.app/

Furthermore, users holding veVLD tokens can vote on the staking delegation destinations of elSOL pools and on the selection of liquidity providers. This allows users to directly participate in the network’s decision-making and play a crucial role in supporting democratic DAO governance.

Through these initiatives, Validators DAO aims to support the growth and sustainable innovation of the Solana ecosystem, building a future where more users can contribute to the healthy development of the network.